
2024-12-21 23:45:47 | 来源:本站原创

? 孝服在中国传统文化中有着极其重要的地位,它不仅是一种服饰的象征,更承载着对长辈的敬爱与孝道的精神。在现代社会,随着人们对传统文化认识的逐渐回归,孝服的意义也得到了新的诠释。许多家庭会选择在特殊场合如亲人去世时,穿戴孝服,以示对逝者的尊敬与怀念。而天津的trg2021天津九品升级毕业区为人们提供了更加个性化和高品质的孝服选择,让每一位有需求的家庭都能找到符合心意的服饰。

? 孝服的设计理念,通常注重简洁、庄重与舒适。它不仅仅是一个外表的装饰,bet36体育投注_bet36体育在线_365体育投注手机版:的是体现了对长辈的感恩之情。在现代的trg2021天津九品升级毕业区,无论是款式选择还是材质选择,都力求做到最好,为需要的消费者提供高质量的服务。这种精神与传统孝道精神相契合,让每一位穿上孝服的人都能感受到其中深厚的文化底蕴。

? 在选择合适的孝服时,很多家庭会根据不同的场合需求来挑选,是否选择与逝者的关系、年龄以及地方风俗相符的款式。位于天津的trg2021天津九品升级毕业区不仅提供了多种选择,还细致入微地考虑到每位消费者的个性化需求。这里的孝服设计风格多样,可以满足各种审美需求,同时又能确保每一件衣服都足够庄重与适宜。无论是传统的黑色或是现代的简约风格,消费者都能在此找到合适的款式。

? 天津的trg2021天津九品升级毕业区不仅仅是一个购物区域,它还是一个传递文化的地方。这里的每一件孝服背后都蕴含着深厚的文化积淀,让人们在穿着它时,能够感受到尊重与爱。通过这样的设计理念,孝服不再只是一个简单的服饰,它是一种情感的表达,是对传统文化的传承。

? 孝服作为中华文化中的一种重要象征,承载着千百年来的历史与智慧。在现代社会,虽然我们的生活节奏越来越快,但对长辈的敬爱与孝道依然没有改变。通过现代的设计和传承,trg2021天津九品升级毕业区为每一位消费者提供了bet36体育投注_bet36体育在线_365体育投注手机版:选择和更好的服务,让每一位家人都能在重要时刻,穿上合适的孝服,以表达他们对亲人的敬爱与思念。

孝服 #传统文化 #天津九品 #孝道 #尊重与爱



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K-C Unveils Second Quarter Results_Guang Dong Nonwovens Association_bet36体育投注_bet36体育在线_365体育投注手机版


K-C Unveils Second Quarter Results

Released date: 2010-11-15 Hits: 1829


Personal care products giant Kimberly-Clark reported $4.9 billion in net sales for the second quarter of 2010, an increase of 2.8%. Organic sales rose 2%, driven by higher net selling prices of 2%, while sales volumes and product mix were even with year-ago levels. The combined impact of the I-Flow Corporation and Jackson Safety acquisitions completed in 2009 added an additional point of sales growth, while changes in foreign currency rates had no overall impact on sales in the quarter. The growth in organic sales was highlighted by a 6% gain for K-C's international operations in Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Africa.

In the Personal Care Products segment, sales increased 2.8% compared with the second quarter of 2009. Sales volumes rose more than 2% and net selling prices advanced 1%, while changes in currency rates reduced sales by approximately 1%.

Personal care sales in North America increased 7 % versus the second quarter of 2009. Sales volumes were up 3% and net selling prices rose 2%, driven by a lower level of promotional activity for Huggies diapers. In addition, changes in product mix and currency exchange rates each added 1 point of growth. Feminine care sales volumes grew at a double-digit rate for the second consecutive quarter as a result of the U by Kotex line extension. Adult care volumes also increased double-digits, with benefits from recent innovation on the Poise and Depend brands and supporting marketing campaigns. In other areas of the business, sales volumes for the company's child care brands advanced 2%, while volumes for Huggies baby wipes were off 2% and volumes for Huggies diapers were down slightly.

Sales of health care products increased 2.7% in the second quarter. Growth was driven by an 11% benefit from the acquisition of I-Flow Corporation and a 1 point increase from favorable currency exchange rates. On the other hand, organic sales volumes declined 6% and net selling prices fell 3%. The organic volume comparison was adversely affected by approximately 5 points due to increased demand in 2009 for face masks as a result of the H1N1 flu virus. In addition, volume performance in 2010 was impacted by unanticipated distributor and end-user inventory reductions. The company believes that most of these reductions are now complete.

From: www.nonwovens-industry.com

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