
Do not pull a rabbit in a camel way

Released date: 2010-11-17 Hits: 1024

Facing the commercial and economic prosperity of developed Western companies makes so many Chinese entrepreneurs bow their heads. Westerners have more power and experience in operating enterprises since they have hundred years of history. We still have much to learn from the westerners. So it seems that Chinese entrepreneurs have found the key to open the treasure house of Ali Baba, like ERP today, Buffett's marketing tomorrow and Welch's management the day after.
We do not deny that Western business management is smarter. After all, the Western companies accounted for half in the top 500 companies in the world. However, it is hard to say that how much useful the western theories are to Chinese enterprises.
Chinese most remarkable enterprise "Haier" has the total assets of less than one-tenth of U.S. GE. In terms of scale, isn't it that one is a camel and one is a rabbit?
Pulling a rabbit in a camel way must lead to many problems and difficulties.
Leading camels needs to focus on strategic management and direction not going wrong. Otherwise it is very laborious to adjust. So the Western management theory emphasizes strategic management and communication management.
To pull rabbits requires fast running and speed is the key premise of winning. So the so-called strategic management and communication management are far less important than those in Western multinational enterprises.